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This site is dedicated to funny, dumb, stupid, and just plain ignorant places, people, and things. It is also NOT intended to offend nor be affiliated with anyone or anything. It doesn’t matter what political party you lean towards, whether it’s left/right, up/down or diagonal, what religious beliefs you may or may not have, the color of your skin, sexual preference or any of that other blither-blather. That also includes, ‘but is not limited to’, (that’s some legal crap I read about on the internet and put in to cover my ass) phobic/homophobic, Ablutophobic, claustrophobic, and all the other phobics up to Zuigerphobic. (Look that one up--I had to)

Welcome to BOB'S BITCH BLOG (BBBlog)

ALL subjects and topics are free game if they're deemed (by me) to be dumb, funny or just plain stupid!

It's just me having FUN and BITCHING about things, cause I have nothing else better to do.                                 [Click below for Questions, comments or complaints]                   


Oh, By the way…

People who like my Blog are happier, smarter, sexier, and better-looking than those who don’t.

That is according to a scientific research study I just conducted --- on myself.



Copyright © 2024; BBBlog; All rights reserved. Any reproduction or other use of this document in whole or in part must have prior permission from BBBLOG, and use of this document in whole or in part, must include proper attribution. Videos courtesy of

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